Quarterly Revision of SBITOP

Pursuant to the Instructions for Indices, Liquidity Criteria, Price List and other Statistics a quarterly review of index calculation parameters of the SBITOP and SBITR was carried out and the index weighting factor of an issue of shares index was established. Further, currently only Salus is on New Watch list for exclusion from SBITOP composition, while no candidate is considered to be included

New calculation parameters will be valid from Monday, 20 June 2022.

In addition, LJSE announced candidates for inclusion into or exclusion from the SBITOP and SBITR indices. Currently, only Salus is on New Watch list for exclusion, while no candidate is yet considered to be included.

wdt_ID Ticker Index free float capitalisation (in EUR) Weight (%)
1 KRKG 887.923.268,48 29,60
2 PETG 620.883.177,60 20,70
3 NLBR 459.200.000,00 15,30
4 ZVTG 302.832.171,36 10,10
5 POSR 193.962.272,77 6,50
6 CICG 142.203.952,00 4,70
7 LKPG 134.064.000,00 4,50
8 SALR 130.051.250,00 4,30
9 TLSG 116.070.089,28 3,90
10 UKIG 12.449.283,80 0,40
Category : Flash News

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