Historical Overview of HT’s Dividends

As HT proposed a dividend of HRK 10 per share we are bringing you a historical overview of their dividends.

On Friday, Hrvatski Telekom published their results for 2018, which we have already covered in our IC Company Note. Here we decided to make a brief overview of dividends the company offered historically, since they proposed a dividend of HRK 10 per share for 2018.

Of the HRK 10 per share, HRK 7 per share was proposed to be paid out of 2018 net profit and, in addition, HRK 3 per share is proposed to be paid following improved economic and investment climate in Croatia.

At the proposed DPS, the dividend yield (at the current price) would be 6.5%. Note that this would be the highest yield since 2013.

*compared to the share price a day before the dividend proposal

Category : Flash News

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