In this years’ yield hunt, we have witnessed some of the East European countries coming into focus as they still had/have some yield to provide to yield thirsty investors. Namely, EUR denominated Eurobonds of Croatia, Serbia, Montenegro, Macedonia and Albania were in high demand which resulted in significant spread tightening. Also, Serbia and Montenegro managed to issue new 10Y EUR papers so it’s worth our while to look how the auctions went and where yields stand today.
Last week investors received a call regarding new 10Y EUR denominated Montenegro Eurobond that settles today. State of Montenegro issued EUR 500m at 2.80% with spread of 338.2bps versus benchmark although the first indication was that paper could be issued at 3.125% – 3.25% level. Nevertheless, CEE and other investors’ demand was high, with more than EUR 1.8bn in the books which decreased yield to the mentioned levels. In the end books stood slightly below EUR 1.5bn with asset managers buying the most part of the paper, according to one of the joint lead managers. Looking at the distribution by geography, heaviest part went to CEE (22%), UK (21%) and Germany (15%). Interesting feature of the paper is that it could be called 3 months prior to maturity at 100.00 but only in full amount, i.e. EUR 500m. Today, on the secondary market paper could be bought at 99.15 meaning that it already went up in price by some 130pips (as it was issued below par, 97.846 with coupon of 2.55%), and YTM now stands at 2.65%. As it was announced by Montenegro’s finance minister Darko Radunovic a month ago, EUR 500m of proceeds are to be used to fill this year’s budget gap that’s planned to fall below 3% of GDP.
Talking about 10Y papers in the region, Serbian Ministry of Finance decided to go to Eurobond market few months ago when it issued 10Y EUR denominated paper in amount of EUR 1bn at 1.619% with spread over benchmark close to 190bps. This was first Serbian EUR denominated Eurobond and demand skyrocketed due to rare auctions and low yield environment and as it was the case with Montenegro yield on auction was decreased several times. Funds were used to pay off USD papers, namely, Serbia 2020 and 2021, in amount of USD 700m and 400m, respectively. After the auction Mr Mali said that Serbia plans to come to Eurobond market again in the next 12-18 months but not to refinance its outstanding bonds but for financing of several projects that weren’t disclosed at the time. As yields in euro area kept falling and macroeconomic situation in Serbia kept improving, yield on Serbia 2029 fell even below 1.0% and now you should be happy if you find it above that level.
Meanwhile, Serbian credit rating was upgraded to BB+ with stable outlook by Fitch, pushing Serbia just one notch below investment grade. Main driver of the upgrade that took some of the analysts by surprise was more stable macroeconomic position. Namely, inflation seems stable around 2.0% which allowed NBS to cut interest rates twice since June while EURRSD stayed put due to NBS increasing FX reserves to curb appreciation forces. Furthermore, Fitch expects Serbia to continue with fiscal consolidation that resulted in surplus in 2017 and 2018 and that debt could fall below 50% already next year. In their decision they praised debt structure as around 75% of new debt was issued in dinar and as already mentioned, Serbia decreased their exposure to the USD denominated Eurobonds buying total of USD 1.75bn. Despite GDP growth decelerated in the first half of 2019, Fitch expects it to accelerate once again taking full year’s growth above 3.0% due to rise of personal consumption and construction investment. In case GDP continues rising at the current pace, Fitch forecasts that debt could fall to 37.4% of GDP in 2028.

Source: Bloomberg, InterCapital
Trading statistics for September 2019 show an average daily turnover of EUR 1.16m (+42.7% YoY). Meanwhile, in September, SBI TOP remained relatively flat at 854.7 points.
The Ljubljana Stock Exchange published their trading statistics for September 2019, showing an average daily turnover of EUR 1.16m, representing an increase of 42.7% YoY.
Of the total (equity) value traded in the period, Krka generated 41% (EUR 9.99m), followed by Triglav with 17.4% (EUR 4.2m), Petrol with 8.96% (EUR 2.2m), NLB with 8.3% (EUR 2m) and Telekom Slovenije with 7.67% (EUR 1.87m). These 5 shares generated 83.35% of the (equity) turnover recorded by the entire market.
Turning our attention to the share price performance of the constituents of the SBI TOP index, in September, 5 out of 11 companies recorded a share price increase. KD Group observed the highest increase of 3.6%. Krka and Petrol follow with an increase of 3.3% each. On the flip side, Intereuropa observed a sharp decrease of 43.8% in September. Such a strong decrease occurred after the announcement that Pošta Slovenije concluded the agreement for the sale and purchase of shares of Intereuropa. The mentioned agreement was concluded with a consortium of banks which include SID Banka, NLB, Nova KBM, Gorenjska Banka, SKB and Banka Intesa Sanpaolo. According to the announcement, Pošta Slovenije will acquire 9,168,425 ordinary shares and 10,657,965 preference shares at a single price of EUR 1.45 per share.
When observing the total equity market capitalization, it decreased by 1% MoM, amounting to EUR 6.52bn. Krka’s share is the biggest constituent of the total exchange’s equity market capitalization, accounting for 31.4% of the total value. Next, comes NLB with 16.76%. Further, Petrol holds 11.14% while Triglav accounts for 10.75%.
When compared to the beginning of the month the main index SBI TOP remained relatively flat, ending September at 854.7 points.
Average Daily Turnover (Jan – Sep 2019) (EUR m)
To put things into a perspective, the mentioned deal accounts for roughly 7% of the company’s T12 2019 consolidated operating revenues.
Energoprojekt Holding published a document on the Belgrade Stock Exchange stating that Energoprojekt Niskogradnja has concluded 2 deals with Uganda National Roads Authority cumulatively worth EUR 14.7m.
One deal, worth EUR 11.4m, regards the reconstruction of selected streets (20km long) in Uganda. The deadline for execution of the deals is 20 months. The other, worth EUR 3.3m, regards the urgent reconstruction of roads (9km long). The deadline for the mentioned deals is 16 March 2020.
To put things into a perspective, the mentioned deal accounts for roughly 7% of the company’s T12 2019 consolidated operating revenues.
Lormier Ventures Limited currently owns 4.539.223 shares, representing 22.7% of Purcari’s share capital.
Purcari Wineries published a document on the Bucharest Stock Exchange announcing that Lormier Ventures Limited, a wholly owned subsidiary of Emerging Europe Growth Fund II, intends to dispose of all or part of the shares through an accelerated book-building process.
Lormier Ventures Limited currently owns 4.539.223 shares, representing 22.7% of Purcari’s share capital, which makes them (as of 31 December 2018) the second largest shareholder, behind Amboselt Universal which owns 25.03%.
It is worth noting that in response to the mentioned news, Purcari’s share price recorded a decrease of 6.93% yesterday.