IC Market Espresso 21 Aug 2019

Croatia’s GWP Development in July 2019
In July 2019, GWPs rose by 7.4% compared to last year. GWPs in non-life insurances grew 11.4% YoY, while life insurance decreased -1.5% YoY.

In July 2019, GWP’s rose by 7.4% compared to the same period last year. The total amount of GWPs collected reached HRK 6.7bn (includes insurers located in Croatia and insurers operating in Croatia but based in another EU country).

Total Croatian T12 GWP and Croatia Osiguranje T12 GWP (HRK bn)

The amount of GWPs in non-life insurances, which traditionally account for the biggest portion, grew 11.4% YoY, amounting to HRK 4.9bn. Meanwhile, life insurance observed a decrease of -1.5% YoY, reaching HRK 1.9bn.

Croatia Osiguranje accounted for 27.9% of the market, as the company’s market share decreased by 2.5 p.p. When observing their GWPs, they amounted to HRK 1.9bn, which represents a decrease of 1.5% YoY.

Croatia Osiguranje T12 Market Share (%)

Fondul Proprietatea Completes Tenth Buy-Back Programme
Fondul Proprietatea announced the that the public tender offer launched in relation to the tenth buy-back programme has ended.

The Fund successfully bought back a total of 150,000,000 own shares (1.65% of the Fund’s capital) out of which 90,057,550 were in the form of shares and 59,942,450 shares were in the form of GDRs, (namely 1,198,849 GDRs).

The Settlement date is set on the 22nd of August 2019 for shares, while the GDR Tender Agent will no later than the 21st of August 2019 pay the GDRs purchase price to the Clearing Systems for further distribution to Investors whose GDRs have been accepted for purchase in the offer.