This would amount to a dividend yield of 4.3%, with the ex-date set for 4 May 2022.
Hrvatski Telekom has published the resolutions from the General Meeting of Shareholders, in which the shareholders approved the distribution of profit from 2021. In total, HRK 637.8m of the net profit will be used for dividend payment, while the remainder of the profit (HRK 28.4m) would be allocated to retained earnings.
This would amount to a payout ratio of 95.8%, translating into a dividend payment of HRK 8 per share. The dividend yield is 4.3%, compared to the closing share price a day before the dividend proposal. Ex-date is set for 4 May 2022, while the payment date is set for 16 May 2022.
Below we provide you with the historical dividends per share and dividend yields of the Company.
Dividend Per Share (HRK) and Dividend Yield (%) (2008-2022)*
*Compared to the share price a day before the announcement