IC Market Espresso 29 May 2024

Croatian GDP up 3.9% YoY in Q1 2024

According to the latest flash estimate of the Croatian GDP, it grew by 3.9% YoY in real terms and amounted to EUR 18.12bn. On an annualized basis ending in Q1 2024, this would mean that the GDP amounted to EUR 78.17bn. Finally, on a QoQ basis, the GDP growth in real terms amounted to 1%.

Yesterday, the Croatian Bureau of Statistics released the latest flash estimate for the Croatian GDP, for Q1 2024. According to the release, the Croatian GDP in real terms increased by 3.9% YoY, and 1% QoQ in Q1 2024. Furthermore, in nominal terms, it amounted to EUR 18.12bn in Q1, while on the annualized basis ending in Q1 2024, it amounted to EUR 78.17bn.

Croatian GDP growth (2007 – Q1 2024, YoY, %)*

Source: Croatian Bureau of Statistics, InterCapital Research

*Quarterly Gross Domestic Product, seasonally-adjusted real growth rates

In nominal terms, the GDP grew by 10.3% YoY. As the real growth is 3.9% (meaning growth in the expansion of volume), this would mean that the remainder (6.4%) came from inflation.

When breaking down the real GDP growth into components, we can see that final consumption expenditure, the largest component of the GDP which includes households, non-profit institutions serving households (NPISH) as well as the government, grew by 4.5% YoY. Households themselves increased by 6%, NPISH declined by 1.8%, while the General Government grew by 1%. Meanwhile, the gross capital formation, which includes investments as well as changes in inventories, grew by 10.8% YoY, primarily due to higher investments (+14% YoY), while inventories declined by 12% YoY.

Moving on, the export of goods and services declined by 2%, mainly as a result of an 8.2% drop in Services export, while Goods export increased by 2.9% YoY. Import of goods and services on the other hand, increased by 2.2% YoY, primarily as a result of 13.8% higher Services import YoY, while Goods import grew slightly by 0.5%.

What all of this points towards is what we have seen for a while now in Croatia. Firstly, the main drivers of growth come from consumption, which is primarily driven by higher private consumption. This is a positive development, as these changes reflect real growth rates (excl. inflation). In other words, despite the elevated inflation rates that were recorded for the majority of 2023, personal consumption still remained high, leading to increased sales volume.

Gross fixed capital formation, supported by investments was in turn primarily supported by the various EU funds which made billions of euros available for many different projects. Turning our attention to exports and imports, this is one side that has been quite challenging for Croatia. As a country, it is generally better to have higher levels of exports than imports, although this issue can also be strongly affected by the currency used, as higher imports than exports can lead to foreign exchange reserves being drained. As Croatia is part of the Eurozone, however, this issue isn’t present anymore. Even so, Croatia’s main export inside the Services export is of course tourism, and an 8.2% drop YoY is quite notable in this regard.

On the other hand, the import of Services, and while we do not have a breakdown of what exactly these services entail, could be seen as negative, and this is due to the fact that the Croatian economy is quite service-orientated. If we look at the export and import of goods (+2.9% and +0.5% YoY, respectively) then this can be considered positive, especially considering that Croatia does not have a heavy industry base, especially compared to other more developed European peers. As such, there is a higher reliance on services, and higher levels of services import while the services export drops could be worrying if it continues.

Overall, the Q1 results for Croatia’s GDP are quite strong, growing a lot higher than the EU average. If growth rates like this continue through the year, convergence with the EU average would be faster than expected, which is positive news indeed. Of course, one quarter does not make a year.

One United Properties Approves Share Capital Increase

Yesterday, One United Properties held its GSM and EGSM meetings. During the EGSM meeting, the proposal for the share capital increase was approved. In this quick overview, we bring you all the details.

The latest OGSM and EGSM meetings were held yesterday by One United Properties, during which many resolutions were approved. The one we are most interested in, however, is the share capital increase by the Company. As a reminder, One proposed a share capital increase of up to RON 350m, by the issuance of 1.75bn new shares, with a nominal value of RON 0.2 per share.

The reason why this share capital increase was interesting is the way it was conceptualized. Firstly, while the share capital increases are usually done at market prices, this one performed by the Company was done at a nominal share price of RON 0.2 per share. This price actually refers to the first phase of the share capital increase, with 2 phases in total.

Going into a little more detail regarding these phases, in phase one, all the shareholders holding the Company’s shares as of 6 August 2024 (registration date) will be offered new shares for subscription from this share capital increase. To subscribe for one new share, each shareholder must hold 2.1879186 preference rights. The total number of preference rights issued will be equal to the number of shares issued by the Company, as registered on the registration date. As such, this was designed to give the existing shareholders the ability to participate in the share capital increase first (and as such, preference rights).

One also noted that trading with the preference rights could be done by shareholders, starting from 6 August 2024, and ending 32 calendar days after said date. The reason this was done is the fact that if an existing shareholder does not participate in the share capital increase, and does not sell away his preference rights, the share price for the shares the investor holds would be diluted.

Furthermore, according to the Company, the share capital increase was designed in such a manner to allow shareholders to participate in it at a lower price. One also noted that 60% of the amount has already been committed by the Company’s founders and several other members of the Board of Directors.

Moving on, during the second phase, any unsubscribed new shares in the first phase shall be offered via a private placement to investors from the EU and/or investors to whom such a private placement may otherwise be lawfully addressed. Also, the subscription price during the second phase shall be determined through the decision of the Board of Directors, considering the price during the book-building exercise carried out during the Private Placement.

If this share capital increase is achieved, One will raise RON 350m (app. EUR 70m), for the purposes of expanding the Company’s operations, towards many different avenues, including the recently announced expansion towards premium affordable housing.

Upcoming Events – May 2024

Here you can find the dates for the upcoming events of the regional companies.

wdt_ID Date Ticker Announcement Country
44 27.5.2024 POSR Sava Re General Meeting of Shareholders, announcement of resolutions Slovenia
45 29.5.2024 ADPL AD Plastik Supervisory Board Meeting Croatia

Due to the nature of these events, they are subject to change (might be postponed or canceled).