IC Market Espresso 14 May 2024

TeraPlast Publishes Q1 2024 Results

TeraPlast, one of the representatives of the industrial sector in BET index with a market cap of c. EUR 250m, has published its Q1 2024 results. In Q1 2024, Teraplast recorded a revenue increase of 20% YoY, an EBITDA increase of 32%, and a net loss of RON 2.5m due to a mix of factors.

TeraPlast one of the largest PVC processors in the Eastern EU has published its Q1 2024 results. The company managed to show an increase in top-line & EBITDA and surpass the budget targets. The management emphasized it is optimistic about becoming the market leader in Romania. Further, it was noted that the consolidation effect from the acquisition of Palplast will arise in the second quarter.

Quantities evolution by quarter; tons

Source: BVB, InterCapital Research

TeraPlast noted an increase in its top line by 20% in Q1 2024. In Q1 2024, the Company’s EBITDA increased to RON 12m, an increase of 32% YoY, which resulted in the EBITDA margin reaching 6.7% (up 0.6 p.p. YoY). Just as the top line noted a positive development in this quarter, so did Teraplast’s profitability. Overall, the Group noted organic growth in the Installation business line combined with enhanced performance in other segments as well. The installation segment continued to generate the higher share in revenues, amounting to RON 122m (+19% YoY), while the EBITDA margin of this segment amounted to 10%, driven by significant volume growth.

TeraPlast key financials (Q1 2023 vs Q1 2024, RONm)

Source: BVB, InterCapital Research

However, the net result amounted to RON -2.5m, influenced by a mix of factors. Due to seasonality in the first quarter, TeraPlast paid the turnover tax, resulting in an additional cost of RON 1m, while additionally, the company noted a higher depreciation expense of RON 2m generated by the commissioning of new investments along with the non-recurring expense of RON 1m for recent M&A. Nevertheless, bottom line loss is significantly lower than anticipated due to favorable developments in the installation and compounds segment.

Kraš Proposes EUR 1.5 DPS

At the current share price, dividend yield is 1.3%. The ex-date is set for 24 June 2024.

Kraš published a document in which they proposed EUR 1.5 DPS to be paid out as a dividend to their shareholders, which translates into a dividend yield of 1.3% at the current share price. Note that ex-date is set for 24 June 2024, while the payment date is 24 July 2024. Of course, the dividend proposal is subject to approval at the Company’s GSM, which will be held on 19 June 2024.

In the graphs below, we are bringing you a historic overview of the company’s dividend per share and dividend yield.

Dividend Per Share (2015 – 2024) (EUR)

Dividend Yield (2015 – 2024) (%)*

 *compared to the share price day before the dividend announcement

Source: InterCapital Research, ZSE