At the moment Victoria Group owns 68.2% shares of Sojaprotein’s (9.4m shares) which would make them the 100% owner of Sojaprotein.
Victoria Group Ad Beograd has published a document stating their intention to buy 31.8% of Sojaprotein’s shares (4.3m shares). At the moment, Victoria Group owns 68.2% shares of Sojaprotein’s (9.4m shares) which would make them the 100% owner of Sojaprotein.
Sojaprotein is the largest soybean processing factory in Serbia, whose market capitalization is EUR 20.9m.
Last year, MK Group took over Victoria, after buying out its debts from the banks. After this event, the obligation to announce a take-over bid for its subsidiaries Veterinarski Zavod and Sojaprotein occurred.
The bid is still subject to regulatory approval, which Victoria expects in the next 15 days.