Unior Publishes 2023 Business Plan

In 2023, Unior expects a consolidated sales revenue of EUR 295.7m, +2.5% compared to the 2022 estimate, an EBITDA of EUR 34m, +12.5% compared to the estimate, and a net profit of EUR 11.1m.

At its Supervisory Board meeting held on Friday, 17 February 2023, the business plan for 2023 was adopted. Based on the press release by the Company, a concise plan for the year was released. According to them, in 2023, Unior Group plans a consolidated net sales revenue of EUR 295.7m, an increase of 2.5% compared to the sales revenue estimate for 2022. Furthermore, they estimate an EBITDA of EUR 34m, an increase of 12.5% compared to the 2022 estimate. The net profit is planned at EUR 11.1m, with no 2022 estimate provided.

Unior key financial indicators* (2023 business plan vs. 2022 estimate, EURm)

Source: Unior, InterCapital Research

*No estimate for the 2022 net profit is provided

Finally, they plan to invest app. EUR 30m during the year, of which EUR 11.7m will be debt, which means that financial liabilities will increase by this amount.

Unior and SBITOP price change (January 2020 – 2023 YTD, %)

Source: Bloomberg, InterCapital Research

Regarding the share price performance, in 2022, the price of Unior’s shares decreased by 8.2%. According to the Company’s financial calendar, the 2022 annual report is to be released on 21 April 2023, at which point we will know more about their performance.  

Category : Flash News

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