Triglav Approves EUR 1.75 DPS

At the share price a day before the proposal, dividend yield is 5%, while ex-date is 17 June 2024.

The shareholders of Triglav approved the initial proposal of the Management Board regarding the  dividend payment. To be specific, the approved dividend is EUR 1.75 per share. The total amount of dividends amounts to EUR 39.8m. We note that the company has been a consistent dividend payer prior to the pandemic, paying out EUR 2.5 per share for 5 consecutive years (as visible on the graph below). However, this year was influenced mainly by the price regulation of supplemental health insurance and CAT claims, resulting in net profit that was below the original plan. Taking everything into account, the appropriate level of capital adequacy is maintained with the proposed dividend amount.

At the share price a day before the proposal, dividend yield is 5%, while the ex date is set for 17 June 2024. The payment date is set for 19 June 2024.

Dividend per Share (EUR) and Dividend Yield (%) (2014 – 2024)

Source: LJSE, InterCapital Research

Category : Flash News

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