NLB Renews Market-Making Agreement with InterCapital

InterCapital remains dedicated to making regional investments more attractive with support on transparency and liquidity, and we thank our partners for supporting us in achieving this goal.

We are proud to announce that NLB Group has renewed its Market-Making agreement with InterCapital Securities.

Being a market maker means that InterCapital continuously puts both bid (buy) and ask (sell) orders on NLBR shares at a pre-defined spread. The idea behind this concept is to enable investors to buy or sell the shares, up to a certain size, at any time within a reasonable volatility range. Under the terms of the agreement, the market-making status will be extended from 1 October 2023, up until 30 September 2025.

InterCapital also provides market-making services in Croatia, covering 10 blue-chip companies and 3 ETFs, including the recently launched 7BET ETF. Besides Croatia, InterCapital offers market-making services to 5 other Slovenian companies besides NLB, as well as 2 ETFs listed on LJSE. These include Krka, Petrol, Sava Re, Triglav, and Cinkarna Celje.

We are proud of having earned the Company’s trust and we will do our best to continue providing the best service possible.

NLB share price (2020 – 2023 YTD, EUR)

Source: LJSE, InterCapital Research

Category : Flash News

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