Croatia to Loosen Covid-19 Measures in 3 Phases

The Prime Minister of Croatia presented the Proposal on measures to initiate economic and other activities under the conditions of the Covid- 19 epidemic.

He emphasized that the priority of the Government was the protection of human lives and health, as well as the functioning of the economy. He reiterated that the epidemiological situation in Croatia was under control thanks to the responsible behavior of citizens who understood and recognized the severity of the threat.

PHASE 1 – From 27 April 2020

  • Allowing work to all business entities engaged in the trade activity, except those operating within the trade center
  • Providing continuation of work to all business entities engaged in service activities, except those in which close contact with customers is observed, respecting physical distance measures (for example, carpenter, tailor, travel agencies, photo studio)
  • Introduction of public urban and suburban transport lines and express lines for islands not connected by ferry
  • Provision of libraries, museums, galleries and bookstores

PHASE 2 – Planned Launch of Activities 4 May 2020

  • Enabling the full operation of the public health system, beside the exceptions that are in line with the Ministry of Health measures
  • Enabling the full operation of the private health system, with due regard for specific epidemiological measures
  • Providing work to all business entities engaged in service activities in which close contact with clients is observed, with respect to specific epidemiological measures (for example, hairdressers, beauticians, barbers, pedicures)

PHASE 3 – Planned Launch of Activities 11 May 2020

  • Provide gatherings of up to 10 people in one place, while respecting physical distance measures
  • Allowing the operation of shopping malls while respecting specific epidemiological measures
  • Allowing the work of preschools and first-grade and fourth-grade classes and special classes and working with children with disabilities who have a teaching assistant
  • Allowing laboratory, artistic and clinical practice and small group work in higher education
  • Introduction of inter-county and domestic air services
  • Allowing catering facilities to work exclusively on outdoor areas and terraces
  • Allowing catering facilities to work in accommodation facilities only for users of accommodation services
  • Enabling the operation of national and nature parks
Category : Flash News

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